Treating Sickness and Disease at Sea
September 29, 1878
W hen we pulled Lord Marsden and Dr Hughes up from under water they were frantic. They had seen a huge black cloud and what they described as a large tentical far in the distance.
"Get me the hell out of here!" Yelled Lord Marsden in a muffled voice through is helmet as he popped back above the surface.
Dr. Hughes popped up right after him, they had ditched their weighted boots and swam to the surface. "Something was down there in the distance, it rightly spooked us," said the good doctor.
"It's deeper water to the west," I said as I pointed in the direction they indicated they saw the black cloud.
"My good man, I'm not gonig back in the water in that contraption until we dispose of whatever that was."
"What no pip pip, stiff upper lip Lord Marsden?" I quipped. He was not amused as he tore off his gloves and went to his cabin.

Dr. Hughes had managed to catch quite a few sea creatures that he poured out on the deck for all to see, then he carefully placed some in specimen bottles to pickle and preserve for more study.

"These will do nicely for the catalogue of sea life in this area, many of these species I don't believe have been discovered. There is something to be said for just being under water and finding and discovering new sea life," Dr. Hughes said as his hands started to noticeably shake.
"Doctor, maybe a drink is in order after your ordeal?" I asked.
"Yes captain, I do believe you're right," he replied.